Weekly Classes
Current Offerings
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1 hr 10 min
17 Canadian dollarsStarts Feb 7
65 Canadian dollarsLoading days...
1 hr 10 min
From 10 Canadian dollars
Online Class | What to Expect
Once your have registered you will receive an email with a Zoom link. If you haven't signed into Zoom before, you will be prompted to download the software for the first time. It will take only a couple of minutes, and you don't have to set up your own account. It will prompt you for your name and email address which lets us know who was on the call. Zoom won't collect your information.
When you first log on, your camera will be turned on. If you feel comfortable to leave it on we will start class with saying hello, this is to help create a sense of connection in this virtual setting.
You will be offered the option to turn off your camera for the class. But if you leave it on, I will be able to see you and provide personalized guidance as needed. You will also have the option to "raise your hand" or send a message via chat for help during the class. Alternatively, you may contact me after class if you have any specific questions.
All recordings included in class registration.